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Industry and Trade

Search result: Industry and Trade

A To B

A subscription to A to B magazine specialises in folding bicycles, electric bicycles, electric cars and public transport.

Business Traveller

Business Traveller has become the leading magazine around the world for the frequent business traveller who seeks an independent view of worldwide travel issues...

Coaching Perspectives


Coaching Perspectives magazine delivers informative, thought-provoking and enlightening content from the global coaching profession.


Counsel is the monthly journal of the Bar of England and Wales.

Electrical Review

Electrical Review magazine provides you with in-depth analytical features and news you need to keep you abreast of the latest developments in the electrical ind...

Farmers Guardian

Pause the plough – here´s a subscription you won´t want to miss.


Greenkeeping is an informative and essential read for everyone involved in golf course maintenance.

Hydrocarbon Engineering

A subscription to Hydrocarbon Engineering magazine is a leading source of business, technical and analytical information for the hydrocarbon processing industry...

Ink Pellet


Ink Pellet is the only arts magazine for teachers.

Journal of Wound Care


Journal of Wound Care (JWC) is the leading monthly journal for nurses, medics and researchers working in wound care.


Midwives is the official publication of the Royal College of Midwives and is published every six months.

Modern Railways

Print Digital

Brimming with news, views and analysis on today´s railways, Modern Railways magazine is bursting with in-depth coverage of all aspects of the rail industry.

New Start

Take out a subscription to New Start, the magazine for making better places.

Packaging News


Pick up your subscription to Packaging News magazine today; the essential read for any professional that has a role in purchasing or supplying packaging equipme...



The Planner is the official magazine of the Royal Town Planning Institute

Practice Nursing

Practice Nursing is the only monthly journal dedicated to promoting a culture of professional and clinical excellence in general practice nursing.

Public Finance


Public Finance magazine is a specialist magazine reaching your hands with the best of news, advice and tips for managers in the public service sector.


At the heart of the Selvedge story is a cerebral and sensual addiction to cloth and with that an appreciation of the beautifully made and carefully considered.



SEN magazine is the UK´s leading publication dedicated to special educational needs.

Speciality Foods

If you are a true ´foodie´ then a subscription to Speciality Food magazine is the magazine for you.
